Saturday, March 27, 2010


Aiyo, these day can't write blog with Lol very bad Lah.(REALLY one EH)
it's so worst (but not so worse)^-^!!

but never mind, i will let u kn the day we write blog

Sun: n (Nobody) or l (Lol)

Mon: Lol




Fri: n and l (maybe)

Sat: n or l

So this is our write blog timetable.So BB, (the timetable MAYBE will wrong)

sign: Nobody & Lol


Lol have a very good holiday during CNY holiday!! And Lol think that the ang pow money INCREASE!!(but lol think only) Lol of course cannot tell what is the amount of the money. haha.....

Walau A! now during in the school EXTREAMLY BORING men!! Teacher a, always read the word in the textbook only, read until Lol wan to sleep liao! U know la, LOL is laugh out loud right, thats why Lol sometimes in the classroom will laugh until like "siao lang"laugh until don't have breath already. haha........

So, nobody, can u tell me when u r in the class is how wan ok?
bb , Lol will write until here.

Friday, March 26, 2010

nobody's birthday

did Ur kn .....24 march is nobody's birthday??? right Lol......
huh.. y u facebook didn't wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY, T________T

Because Lol forgot your birthday, sorry ah!! Now Lol wish u belated happy birthday

Wat lahr u !!! forget Ur fren's birthday!!!! KENA BELASAH LAH U........
but the most KENA BELASAH is my facebook fren, all also didn't wish me happy birthday
just 1 only Leh!!!

oi Lol no word to say Leh..........

OK lah nobody will write until here so BB
(really nobody's birthday leh)

Friday, March 19, 2010

where we spend during the holiday!!

We spend we spend we spend we spend we spend............................(don't know what ady)

we forgot leh.
ah i remember " say's nobody.i go to hot air belon....nice leh!!!!!
at first i felt very .....boring but went go to there VERY FUN LEH!!!
i buy bublegun that cos RM7 ,n i eat ice-cream makool trafik light. :D
O dou i didn't sit the hot air belon but it is OK cos i got sit the false hot air belon,
stand beside real aeroplane...... i've take some photos too

so LOL how's ur holiday nice or worst .OK nobody will write untill here.
BB .

Now, Im Lol, I spend my holiday at a lot of places like Pinang , Alor star, Melaka, Johor Bahru and Singapore. I have a very good time at Singapore, because we go to play the luge and skyride.

It is very expensive,but got discount for 4 people!

Ok,Lol will write until here. BB

Nobody in sch....

Nobody in sch is very boring & ......
Nobody talking went exam time,assembly ......(my spelling maybe wrong)
but.. teacher didn't scold,so i keep talking with my fren. Nobody's exam has finish...

NOBODY and LOL's sch curry mee is very nice .....emmmmmmm.............SEDAP....

so i write untill here bb NOOOBBBSSS

*ps :if u don't laugh, u maybe can EAT THE CCCCUUUUURRRRYYYY MMMMEEEEE!!!
FIND us at facebook!!!!add us if ur smart...of cos we won't tell u our email

Friday, March 12, 2010

During Lol in school

Hey!Nobody, pls don't all also reply me la. Like say something about your life or something..........

OK, come back here, Lol will talk about my life. Ya..... Lol have my exam too, same time as Nobody, because we are in the same school. During the time now is school holiday! Lol should be happy! But Lol is sad, because got a lot of homework!!!!!still got 2 project wan to do and plus the school homework. Wah.... Lol wan to pengsan liao!!

How about u Nobody? tell Lol about your school homework or about your holiday. OK?

So.. Lol write until here . Bye!! (hmm.... must do homework already)

nobody reply!!

hey nobody can't on9 cos nobody' s 38 sis is loh ......
never mind ,but sorry lol cos exam ma....
real story, i don't eat ANYTHING OK lol
i hate to eat DURIAN ,chicken (if it is fried OF COS) ,
fish (accept it was fried),rice brown rice (nobody hate it the most)...........
i like grapes, anything sour,salty and sweet ......

OK I'll write until here.........

Sunday, March 7, 2010

During CNY holiday

Did u kn nobody go where at CNY ?? nah i tell u .....

i go to Singapore,before go there i went to Johor Bahru to visit my uncle.

my uncle is very,very old n i didn't even see him before.

after that i have a long journey to Singapore.

(*PS u kn i eat 2 lollipop n also got eat Roti canai too :D )

i get a lot of Ang pow Leh!!! guess how much ? I tell u (i don want to tell u !!) can't read ??? hehe....

OK Lah i write until here... so BB.

( check the new want then u will kn the ans )

What Lol like to eat n What Nobody like to eat

Hi, im Lol. Seem's like Nobody is offline today and also did not write blog for some time already!!Oh.......... it's sad maybe Nobody's mother don't let Nobody online.Haha.....but never mind, Lol will just continue to write.

Usually, Lol like to eat fish like sweet and sour fish and all the fried fish, except steam fish!! And Lol know that Nobody like to eat all kinds of food! (Lol thinks)Because when sometimes we go to party that time, Nobody will try all the food, so i think Nobody is not choosy at food.

Ok, don't always talk about food because Lol know if Nobody read this , Nobody will fell extremly hungry rite? Nobody.

Ok Lol will write until here.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Our life

hi, im Lol . now Nobody is offline, but it's okey Lol will not be angry becos we're best fren!. Now , really Lol cannot tahan without playing computer games!! haha........usually Lol like to watch TV at home, playing piano and...........(too many things ) and about Nobody , im not so sure!!

But i know that Nonody cannot sleep if one day Nobody did not eat fruits. WOW!!!! that is awsome! that's why Nobody is very healthy. And for Lol(me) not really like to eat mushrooms. especialy butter mushrooms. but for Nobody, Nobody will like it very much.

that's all Lol will write until here. BYE BYE and REMENBER DO NOT LAUGH!!

Most are activities at home

hi its me is not gonna online today or maybe.
but nobody is online today....
let me talk about my life.

I can't live without fruits....without.....GAMES,
I kn its childish but WHO CARES!!because I'm nobody.LOL
its bad that lol maybes sleeping but never won't get
Angry to me.Cos we are best fren!!

OK,come back here.

I can live without homework,piano class and tuition.
lol is same to me to, hi-5lol.
oh..i forgot lol is not on9

rite lol??
i'll write untill here.S0 bb.

*ps.. no laughing 0k!!
Today is our first time writting blog. So maybe wiil write a bit lame!!


my name is nobody n my fren is lol.
we know each other since born.we eat veggie every day!!
nobody is craze about FRUITS!!!And lol is craze about facebook!!!

we are almost same .like...we walk like best pal ,lol eat like normal people but nobody eat like
nobody style.

So we write until here .BYE! BYE! high five!!

i know it is noop noob things but DON'TTTT LLLLAAAUUUGGGHHH