The Fluffy and sleeps in C position Rabbit
If u don't know who is this Rabbit
Then i'll tell you, in here
Nobody : do u know why do i say that i have 1-3 animals in my house?
Lol : mem ji dou (i don't know in canonise )
Nobody : it's because my house got Koi fish and cappy fish mah......
Lol : but that wan should be 2 wat! ur mathematics so lau ya wan meh!!
Nobody : i haven't say finish why so kan chong!! and my maths is good OK!!
Lol : sori!! keep on.
Nobody : in last few weeks, my parents bought me......
Lol : bought u wat! PSP? WII? Ah i know!
Nobody : u know wat?
Lol : ur parents bought u a computer,cos ur house computer rosak ady!!
Lol : i very smart leh......
Nobody : where got computer,u last time didn't come to my house in HF (home fellowship) meh!
Nobody : haiz, mem ji dou ban ji dou (don't know still wan to act like u know).
my parents bought me a turtle
Lol : turtle! eh, turtle wan extinct ady lor......where can buy wan!
Nobody :...... i mean red ear slider turtle!!
Lol : oh......ur parents finally buy the tortoise,eh no, no, no,the turtle ah?
Nobody : yes!!u know wat i name him?
Lol :
Nobody : start from letter B
Lol : eh......billy!
Nobody : no lar,it's BOSCO!!
Lol : lol the MTV super star Bosco?
Nobody : Argh!!it's the turtle BOSCO!!
Lol : Oo.......
Below are the pictures of Bosco
won't i look smart?
finally! i can grab the pot thigh so i can breath!!
wait a minute......
ah!!! intruder! intruder!
faster hide into the water!!
opps! i think Bosco juz saw us,never mind,i'll call him later.
so i'll write untill here,BB!
faster hide into the water!!
opps! i think Bosco juz saw us,never mind,i'll call him later.
so i'll write untill here,BB!