Saturday, June 23, 2012

2 weeks of LOL's holiday! :D ( Part2)

Then..I went for a camp -->
Wind Orchestra Band Camp on the 7/6-9/5  at my school. Although its only in the school, but I had lots of fun! :D ( and the toilet was quite clean actually, I thought it will going to be VERY dirty that type) hahah! I enjoyed playing water balloons, my teacher keep on aiming at me T^T but its quite fun lar actually hahah xD I played until my whole body is wet!

The first night me and my friend cant sleep, we're awake until 3 smtg to 4 am like that! but I dun feel tired the  second day :D then the second night, I slept at 2 smtg....heheheh xD

5 sleeping bags :D See how close we slept at each other that 2 nights! HAHAHA! 'Hey you! dun touch my OGAWA mini boaster' :PP all the sleeping bag is blue in colour except mine! 

Violinist (juniors) :D

The Crazy Gang! <3

Okay, I'll write until here :) Watch out for the next post ! It's about my concert! :DDD

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